The WCDA’s five-year strategic plan pursues opportunities to build product (available industrial buildings and sites) and collaborate with allies to attract new companies and assist existing industries with expansion in Wayne County. Building on recent successes and leveraging strengths, this comprehensive economic and community development plan will move Wayne County forward, expand the job base, and enhance residents’ quality of life.

Initiative I: Product Development

Goal: To provide the available space needed to attract new business and remain competitive.

Initiative II: Business Development and Marketing

Goal: To strengthen recruitment and external marketing, creating the greatest opportunity for attracting prospects to Wayne County.

Initiative III: Business Retention and Expansion

Goal: To work with existing industry assisting in their success and resulting growth in jobs and investment in Wayne County.

Initiative IV: Investor Relations and Development

Goal: Maintain a line of communication with investors that keeps them connected and engaged with the Impact Wayne plan and successes.

An investment of $1.5 million over the next five years will provide the funds necessary to execute the Impact Wayne plan, ensure future growth, strengthen livability, and create a sustainable and broadly beneficial economy for all Wayne County citizens.

Success will come through the collective support of investors and community leaders that share in this vision of economic growth and prosperity. Join the growing list of local businesses that are investing in Impact Wayne!


For more information regarding the Impact Wayne Campaign,
to set up a meeting, or to submit a pledge form contact:

Julie Graham
Wayne County Existing Industry Director

Office: 919-731-1503